Tag: Waukesha Reads 2013

Dinner and a Movie
The Magnificent Seven
Sunday, November 3, 6:00 p.m.
Marcus Majestic Cinema
770 N. Springdale Road, Brookfield
Enjoy dinner, the 1960 film starring Yul Brynner and Steven McQueen and a special cabaret performance featuring Candace Decker and Phil Smith.
Ticketed event: $20 reservations required, seating is limited. Contact Joan at 262-524-3694 or [email protected] by October 30.
Check out the Waukesha Reads ~ THE BIG READ calendar for detailed program information.

The Bracero Program
Tuesday, October 22, 6:00 p.m.
Waukesha County Technical College, Broadway Campus
327 E. Broadway, Waukesha
The Bracero Program was a cooperative agreement between Mexico and the U.S. designed to address worker shortages during World War II. This was the beginning of migrant labor in the U.S.
Local expert Michael Goodman discusses the history and the long lasting
effects of the Bracero program on the U.S. economy.
Refreshments will be served.
For more information, call 262-695-6518.
Check out the Waukesha Reads ~ THE BIG READ calendar for detailed program information.

Seven Samurai
Sunday, October 20, 12:00-4:00 p.m.
Shattuck Music Center, Carroll University
100 N. East Ave., Waukesha
This award-winning 1954 film tells the story of a group of samurai that protect a village being attacked by bandits. The Magnificent Seven is the western-style remake of this Japanese film. (Subtitled)
For details, call (262) 650-4887.
Check out the Waukesha Reads ~ THE BIG READ calendar for detailed program information.

Food for Thought … Snacks and Scholars
Literary, Historical and Cultural Connections with the Novel
Monday, October 21, 6:00 p.m.
Waukesha Public Library
321 Wisconsin Ave., Waukesha
Join us for refreshments and an intriguing discussion with local scholars.
Reluctant Amazons: Narratives of Women Without Men
Elizabeth Zanichkowsky (UW-Waukesha)
Hybrid Language of a Hybrid Identity: Spanish, English, and Spanglish in Into the Beautiful North
Debbie Paprocki (UW-Waukesha)
Tijuana Past and Present as the Portal Into The Beautiful North
Bert Kreitlow (UW-Whitewater)
Literature and Social Justice: The Author as Witness in the Work of Luis Alberto Urrea
John Allen (MATC)
Check out the Waukesha Reads ~ THE BIG READ calendar for detailed program information.

Food for Thought…Snacks and Scholars
act of Film: Inside and Outside the Novel
Monday, October 7 at 6:00 p.m.
Waukesha Public Library
321 Wisconsin Ave., Waukesha
Join us for refreshments and an intriguing discussion with local scholars.
Irish on One Side, Mexican on the Other. . . and Me in the Middle: The Role of Popular Narratives in Framing Perspective.
Joe Foy (UW-Waukesha)
Salt of the Earth: A Film Without an Audience?
Tim Thering and Ellyn Lem (UW-Waukesha)
Like Water for Chocolate: The Film/Book that Opened the Border Between the U.S. and Mexico
Ellyn Lem (UW-Waukesha)

If you liked Into the Beautiful North…
Try a book from one of the Waukesha Public Library read-alikes lists!
If You Liked Into the Beautiful North…
Waukesha Reads Family Read-Alikes
Even more suggestions can be found at Waukesha Public Library.

Special Exhibits
Don’t miss these three special
Waukesha Reads ~ THE BIG READ exhibits!
Memory: Soul of a People
October 1-31 at Waukesha Public Library, 321 Wisconsin Avenue, Waukesha
Photographs of Waukesha’s Hispanic community celebrate their traditions, values and humanity. Exhibit is a joint venture of Carroll University’s Advanced Spanish Conversation and Composition class taught by Dr. Elena De Costa and Prof. Phil Krejcarek’s Photography classes.Details: 262-524-3682
Renounce Forever
October 1-31 at Waukesha County Museum, 101 W. Main Street, Waukesha
View unique examples of naturalization papers of early Waukesha County immigrants who renounced forever their former countries to become citizens. Also visit the Research Center to look up your own family’s papers! Exhibit is free with museum admission. Details: 262-521-2859
Almont Gallery Art Exhibit
October 5-31, Almont Gallery, 342 W. Main Street, Waukesha
Check out the Almont Gallery windows for art based on the themes of the book created by local artists.
Waukesha Reads ~ THE BIG READ Kickoff
Don’t miss a chance to get a free copy of Luis Alberto Urrea’s Into the Beautiful North.
Join us for Freeman Friday Night Live on Friday, September 27 from 6:30-9:00 p.m.
- Free books and program information at the Five Points!
- The Power of the Postcard at Waukesha Community Art Project, 320 South Street
- Lots of live music!
Check out the Waukesha Reads ~ THE BIG READ calendar of events for detailed program information.
Waukesha Welcomes Author Luis Alberto Urrea
Saturday, October 26
La Casa de Esperanza
410 Arcadian Avenue, Waukesha
6:00-7:30 p.m. – Meet the author and enjoy delicious Mexican specialties.
Ticketed event: $15, reservations required
Contact Joan: [email protected] or (262) 524-3694
7:30 p.m. FREE Author Presentation and Book Signing
Enjoy mariachi music and the History of Latinos in Waukesha art exhibit!
Check out the Waukesha Reads ~ THE BIG READ calendar for all program details!

Translation of Spanish Phrases
Want to have a better understanding of some of the Spanish phrases used in the book Into the Beautiful North? Check out this guide created by Spanish speakers in Waukesha schools.

Flash Fiction Contest 2013
Journeys: Where Are You Going? Where Have You Been?
This is Waukesha Reads second annual Flash Fiction Contest.
The contest is open to middle school and high school students and adults.
All entries are due Tuesday, October 1, 2013.
Get all the contest details and an official Entry Form and get creative!
2013: INTO THE BEAUTIFUL NORTH by Luis Alberto Urrea
The Big Read in Waukesha focused on Into the Beautiful North by Luis Alberto Urrea. Activities took place September 27 – November 3, 2013. In the book, nineteen-year-old Nayeli works at a taco shop in her Mexican village and dreams about her father, who journeyed to the US to find work.
Waukesha Reads Receives 2013 Big Read Grant
Waukesha to read and celebrate Into the Beautiful North by Luis Alberto Urrea
during Waukesha Reads ~ The Big Read
May 29, 2013—Waukesha, WI—Waukesha Public Library today announced that it has received a grant of $16,000 to host The Big Read in Waukesha. The Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts, designed to revitalize the role of literature in American culture and to encourage citizens to read for pleasure and enlightenment. The Big Read is managed by Arts Midwest. Waukesha Public Library is one of 77 nonprofit organizations to receive a grant to host a Big Read project between September 2013 and June 2014. The Big Read in Waukesha will focus on Into the Beautiful North by Luis Alberto Urrea. Activities will take place September 27- November 3.
“We are pleased and honored to once again partner with the National Endowment for the Arts and the award-winning Big Read program for the fourth time in seven years,” said Grant Lynch, Executive Director of Waukesha Public Library. “This particular grant, the largest that we have ever received, is a testament to the outstanding reach and immeasurable impact of the ‘Waukesha Reads’ series, and receipt further solidifies our role as a leader of public libraries across the nation. The financial and complementary event resources from the NEA present the Waukesha Public Library with a unique opportunity to bring about brand new programs, high-quality materials in multiple languages and much, much more to our expanding community of readers in the City of Waukesha and beyond.”
Everyone is invited to stop by the Library on Friday, May 31, 2013 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. to help celebrate this award, learn more about the selected title and enter a drawing for a chance to win a copy of the book. Ten lucky winners will be able to get a head start on their reading for this fall event.
“It’s wonderful to see that these 77 communities are making reading and the celebration of books a priority,” said NEA Acting Chairman Joan Shigekawa. “I look forward to seeing the innovative ways they find to engage their community in these great works of classic and contemporary literature.”
The Big Read provides communities nationwide with the opportunity to read, discuss, and celebrate one of 31 selections from U.S. and world literature. The 77 selected organizations will receive Big Read grants to promote and carry out community-based reading programs featuring activities such as read-a-thons, book discussions, lectures, movie screenings, and performing arts events. Participating communities also receive high-quality, free-of-charge educational materials to supplement each title, including Reader’s, Teacher’s, and Audio Guides, which also are available for download on neabigread.org.
For more information about The Big Read please visit neabigread.org.
It is the vision of Waukesha Public Library to provide a welcoming and dynamic environment where citizens of all ages can find the inspiration, ideas, and information necessary to achieve their full potential. The Library staff is committed to serving the public in a customer centered and pro-active manner, providing a wide variety of materials, resources, and services. For more information about the Library, please visit waukesha.lib.wi.us. For additional information about Waukesha Reads ~ The Big Read, please visit waukeshareads.org or find us on Facebook.
The National Endowment for the Arts was established by Congress in 1965 as an independent agency of the federal government. To date, the NEA has awarded more than $4 billion to support artistic excellence, creativity, and innovation for the benefit of individuals and communities. The NEA extends its work through partnerships with state arts agencies, local leaders, other federal agencies, and the philanthropic sector. To join the discussion on how art works, visit the NEA at arts.gov.
Arts Midwest promotes creativity, nurtures cultural leadership, and engages people in meaningful arts experiences, bringing vitality to Midwest communities and enriching people’s lives. Based in Minneapolis, Arts Midwest connects the arts to audiences throughout the nine-state region of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. One of six non-profit regional arts organizations in the United States, Arts Midwest’s history spans more than 25 years. For more information, please visit artsmidwest.org.