
Welcome to Waukesha Reads!

Waukesha Reads provides citizens the opportunity to come together to read, discuss and celebrate a single book and author. Since 2007, the program has been coordinated by the Waukesha Public Library and its many community partners. Waukesha Reads is designed to promote reading and unite our community through great books by:

  • Providing citizens with opportunities to come together and exchange ideas through the discussion of literature.
  • Providing a wide range of programs and events that appeal to members of our diverse community.
  • Engaging our population in learning about the wider world through the eyes of different authors and types of books.
  • Distributing free books and inviting all to share the experience.

Why Should Waukesha Read?

  • Reading introduces us to people, places, and ideas from around the world.
  • Reading helps develop our imagination and opens doors to new ideas and opportunities.
  • Reading helps us interpret and understand life’s experiences.
  • Reading helps us understand different points of view.
  • Reading together brings us together.
  • Reading is FUN!
Theme: Overlay by Kaira