Flash Fiction Contest: Losing My Mind

Enter a writing contest? Have you lost your mind?

Poe wrote all sorts of stories about people losing their minds. Now you can do the same and enter the Waukesha Reads – The Big Read Flash Fiction Contest.

The theme of the contest is, as you might have guessed, “Losing My Mind.” We want you to create your own fictional masterpiece with the “Losing My Mind” theme. Your story can be happy, sad, creepy (one of Poe’s favorites), funny, uplifting—whatever you like. This is a chance to let the rest of the world know what’s on your mind.

Submissions to the Waukesha Reads – The Big Read Flash Fiction Contest will be evaluated within three participant categories:

  • Middle school students
  • High school students
  • Adults

The winner in each category will receive:

  • A $100 cash prize, an official Waukesha Reads 2014 t-shirt, and publication on the Waukesha Reads website (www.WaukeshaReads.org).

A runner-up in each category will receive:

  • An official Waukesha Reads 2014 t-shirt and publication on the Waukesha Reads website (www.WaukeshaReads.org).


Submission will be judged anonymously. Your name will not appear with the text of your entry during judging.

Works will be judged by a panel of judges.

Contest Guidelines

  1. We are looking for thoughtful, well written fiction of no more than 1,000 words. Entries should be double spaced and may be typed or legibly hand written.
  2. Submissions must be of unpublished original work.
  3. We are interested in your words and ideas, but if you choose to quote an outside source or author, you must give credit to that source by citing the author, publication, title and date. Plagiarism will be considered cause for elimination.
  4. To be eligible, each entry must be accompanied by the official Waukesha Reads Contest Entry Form. This form must be filled out completely and signed both by the author and, if under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian. Completing and signing the entry form is certification that this is your own work. Please submit only one entry. Multiple entries will not be considered.
  5. All entries must be received by 9:00 p.m. on Monday, October 6, 2014. Entries may be dropped off or mailed to Waukesha Public Library: 321 Wisconsin Ave., Waukesha, WI 53186. Or, entries may be emailed to [email protected].
Theme: Overlay by Kaira